
What Is Energy Medicine?

Everything is energy, that movement within the body is called energy medicine. 

Energy is so important - if we are able to pay attention to what our energy is doing, how it’s responding to our body, how we’re responding to our lives - it can help our bodies, our anatomy and physiology, improving our overall health and wellness.

To have trauma or challenges is to be human. It’s also human to evolve through it and heal.  So often we don’t recognize past trauma yet feel stuck in our current life. Shifting energy breaks away patterns, and allows everything to become possible, even healing from a difficult disease.

Together we integrate your life experiences to help you remember who you are at a soul level and uncover where you are going in this uniquely beautiful and important life.

These are signs that Energy Medicine sessions would provide relief for and create a sense of overall well-being and wholeness:

  • Feeling overwhelmed easily.

  • Feeling anxious, stressed or depressed.

  • Having difficulty making decisions.

  • Experiencing grief and loss.

  • Experiencing Exhaustion.

  • Feeling stuck.

This work not only helps you understand yourself at a deeper level, but also creates new pathways in your brain that lead toward awareness, understanding, deep acceptance, resilience and meaningful connection.

Integrated Energy Healing Sessions $150

What aspect of you most needs your care and attention right now?

As a Reiki Master and CranioSacral Practitioner I’m able to intuitively identify stagnant energy to create balance, healing and a sense of wholeness. By honoring any of the physical, mental and emotional experiences being stored in the body, sessions allow for a softening of physical and emotional tensions.

When your body experiences ease, it reignites its ability to self-heal and your perception of life’s circumstances—both past and present—shifts, which is often an essential first step in creating change in our lives and improving whole-body health.

These 60 minute sessions take place in a quiet room fully clothed on a heated massage table. Essential oils, crystals and sound bowl medicine is included throughout the session.

Whether in-person or remote, these integrated healing sessions are effective in helping virtually every known illness and ailment.

Intuitive Guidance Sessions $150

What needs to clear, what needs to cleanse and what needs to be celebrated within you?

This 60 minute remote session blends my ability to shift energy using clairvoyance, reiki and psychic channeling to rebalance and harmonize your energy system leaving you feeling clear, centered and supported on your path.

In these sessions I listen intuitively to what your mind, body, and spirit is authentically communicating. This creates an opportunity for you to give your attention to your own inner intelligence. This brilliance lives inside each of us. You really are the healer.

With remote sessions, people often ask me how does it work when we are in different places?  

We are so much more than our physical bodies. We are a synergy of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beings. We all feel and respond, to each others’ vibrations, even if we’re not aware of it.

There is an energy that flows through us and when we allow ourselves to drop into that we can let go a bit and trust in the divine working through us.

Reiki for pets $120

The powerful effects of energy healing can be experienced by your pets in a dedicated Reiki session for them.

Reiki is a natural healing energy that has the power to soothe, heal, relax and energize. It gives to animals the same thing it gives to us, a similar sense of wellbeing and peace.

Animals benefit from these sessions by experiencing relief from pain, anxiety and stress as well as an accelerated healing after any injury or surgery. These sessions are often shorter in duration and don’t always involve hands-on touch as animals often move around the energy. Sessions promote relaxation, boost immunity and overall health, which in turn promotes self-healing of body, mind, and spirit for you and your pet.

Sliding Scale for Healing Sessions

I hold a small number of sliding scale sessions available to new clients. I believe healing should be available to all those who seek it, regardless of financial circumstances. If you cannot afford my rates please let me know and we can set up a solution that works. Please email me at for further details.

From my clients

I’m really glad that I finally scheduled and had the remote healing session with you. You have such a great, calming positive spirit and you’re funny. The session was very helpful.
— Melody, Massachusetts
I literally cannot begin to thank you enough for the Tarot card reading. Just having the reading has made me much more aware of myself and helped me to trust myself both personally and in my career.
— Ginny, Seattle WA
This was one of the most life-changing experiences. THANK YOU for giving me a gift I have never received before...the gift of understanding, strength and forgiveness for myself. I really can’t thank you enough.
— Amanda, Los Angeles CA